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   home > pictures / catalog > wwii > Avia B-35 Czech 1:48    [Model# 1197]

Avia B-35 Czech 1:48
Avia B-35 Czech 1:48

Avia B-35 Czech 1:48

A brief history of the aircraft:

B-35 was the response of AVIA company to the task set by the Ministry of National Defense [MND], which had announced an air force modernization program in four categories - Type I - one-man interceptor, Type II - two-man interceptor and fighter, Type III - three-man observation airplane [daytime and nighttime] and Type IV - multiseat light bomber. Upon reviewing the submitted proposal of AVIA, the MND ordered the airplane prototype on May 4th, 1936.

The first test flight was conducted on September 9th, 1938. The following trial flights demonstrated not only the elegance of the new aircraft, but also its powerful performance. Despite the fixed landing gear the plane reached a maximum speed of 471km/h. Unfortunately, in an attempt to boost its speed even further, the prototype crashed and its pilot sergeant-major Kavalec found his death. The MND was nevertheless convinced by the observed parameters and issued another order to AVIA for the construction of second, improved prototype. That was, however, already a different plane, so let us return to B.35.1 in its 1:48 scale model.

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Avia B-35 Czech 1:48
Avia B-35
Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48
Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48
Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48
Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48
Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48
Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48 Avia B-35 1:48
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