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   home > pictures / catalog > wwii > Horten 229 Closed Engine    [Model# 1548]

Horten 229 Closed Engine
Horten 229 Closed Engine

Horten 229 Flying Wing 1:48
Hilter's Stealth Fighter

The 1:48 Horten kit made by Dragon is notoriously difficult to build, unfortunately it's the only kit available for this aircraft at this scale. Most avid collectors would rather purchase a built model then go through the frustration of trying to build such a horrible kit. We've lots of experience building this kit and have perfected various techniques needed to create a very realistic model. We can confidently say that you will not find a Horten 229A-1 of this quality level anywhere. Details like the red tip landing gear pins above each wing are specially built by us. These parts are not available from the original kit. The defect seen on the canopy on each of the kit has been flawlessly repaired. The weathering and camouflage colors accurately reflect the Horten captured after the war.

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Horten 229 Closed Engine
Horten 229 Flying Wing
Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48
Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48
Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48
Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48
Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48
Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48 Horten 229 Flying Wing Closed Engine 1:48
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